Ant civilization predates human beings by million years ago. Ants have the most sophisticated weapons and a strict organization with professional division of labor. The development of their city-states and warfare is still beyond the reach of human beings. French writer Bernard Werber's ecological science fiction prophetic novel "Ant Trilogy" , the first part of "Ant" , was retranslated and published years later. It unfolds with the dual narrative line of man and ant. The world around us also makes people abandon the way of thinking in the past and develop a sci-fi and bizarre world. The following is our cross-sea pen interview with the author Bernard Vibe: Q: Where did the inspiration for Ants come from? Are ants your favorite creature? Why?
If you were to describe yourself as a creature, what Photo Restoration Service would you choose? Why? A: As a child, I used to spend hours in my grandparents' garden watching ants and breeding them in pots. In my opinion, ants are the most interesting creatures because they live in big cities like ours. Most other animals live either alone or in groups. The animals that amaze me the most are the dolphins, because they move in three dimensions and spend their time dreaming and playing. Q: What were your thoughts on ants before and after writing "Ant"? A: First of all, I am very grateful to them, because they carry me. Ants can teach us many things. After all, ants are creatures that existed on the earth million years ago, while humans have only existed on the earth for million years.
Q: What do you think of the re-publishing of Ant after years? When you finished this book thirty years ago, what was your favorite part? Thirty years later, what is your favorite part of the book? A: When I write, I want the book to last and have meaning years after it's published, so I'm happy to see the book republished, even with its meaning in a different time and place. The reason I say different time and space is because the book has been published for a long time - thirty years, and being read in countries other than France gives the book a spatial meaning, the fact that "Ant" can be republished in Taiwan is very important to me. It makes no sense! My favorite part of the book is: Poppy Hill Wars and Ant Mating Behavior. Q: Among all the characters in "Ant", are there any character traits that are similar to yours? What is your favorite character?