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WEB Born Refugee-01.jpg

Born Refugee: Unnamed, 18 day old, born in Balukhali Rohingya refugee camp, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, 2017

12 3/4 x 9 1/2"pigment print

Ed. of 10 + 5APs

$ 1800

Turjoy Chowdhury



In 2017, Turjoy Chowdhury [b.1992, Khulna, Bangladesh] was walking through one the largest refugee camps in the world and heard a baby crying. Inside a tent, a Rohingya woman unfolded a red blanket revealing a newborn child, conceived at home and delivered in a shack in a refugee camp in Bangladesh. Rohingya babies are born refugees. The future of these babies is unknown as they are considered stateless under Bangladesh’s Citizenship Law.

Proceeds donated to Save the Children.. Save the Children was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 in order to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, and provide emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts.

 Save the Children..

More information on Turjoy Chowdhury's work


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