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Children Matter

3-day webinar about children’s human rights

May 26 – 28, 2020

Presented by CASE Art Fund

Children Matteris a 3-day webinar presented by CASE Art Fund, a Chicago/Oslo based organization whose mission is to raise awareness about children's human rights through the support and exhibition of photography that creates a positive impact on social awareness, human rights, and children's education. CASE is working with the UNHCR to draw attention to the ongoing children’s refugee crisis, with a focus on the catastrophe happening in Moria. The webinar includes a panel discussion with prominent humanitarian advocates, a conversation with photographers at the forefront of assorted crises, video and photographic exhibitions, and a special afternoon with children resettled by RefugeeOne(thelargest refugee resettlement agency in Chicago), who will explain why they left their homelands and emigrated to Chicago. Children Matterpromises to be engaging and educational, while showing the power of art to create action. 


TUESDAY, May 26, 2020

10:00 am CST / 5:00 pm GMT + 2

Length: 60 minutes

Zoom live / Registration required


TUESDAY, May 26, 2020 Continued

12:00 pm CST / 7:00 pm GMT + 2

Length: 60 minutes

Zoom live / Registration required



WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020

10:00 am CST / 5:00 pm GMT + 2

Length: 60 minutes

Zoom live / Registration required



WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020

Recent videos from refugee centers

12:00 pm CST / 7:00 pm GMT + 2

Length: 40 minutes 

Registration required

Exhibition & Films 

THURSDAY, May 28, 2020

10:00 am CST / 5:00 pm GMT + 2

Length: 45 minutes 

Zoom live / Registration required


Artists discuss their passion

THURSDAY, May 28, 2020

11.00 am CST / 6:00 pm GMT + 2

Zoom live / Registration required


Photographic exhibition

The recent numbers of refugees fleeing their homelands has created an enormous humanitarian crisis that has become politicized, as receiving countries close their borders. Caught in the middle of this awful reality are parents who make the unimaginable choice to send their children away, in the hopes of a better life. I MATTER, is CASE Art Fund’s response to this crisis. By showing the faces of refugee children, I MATTER seeks to raise awareness about the child refugee crisis and the basic right and need for of education. Following the presentation of the exhibit:



Knut Bry is an internationally recognized Norwegian photographer and film director, specializing in advertising, fashion, and fine art. His work has garnered numerous awards and accolades, including a 2006 Norwegian cultural award for his contribution to the arts. Bry has established himself as a true humanitarian, using his camera to educate the public about current human rights issues. He recently volunteered at Pikpa Refugee Camp and Moira Refugee Camp, where he witnessed the horrific ongoing refugee crisis happening in Greece. Bry will show recent photographs from the camps and talk about his experience. 


Trude Jacobsen is the founder of A Drop in the Ocean, a Norwegian based organization that educates the world about the current situation facing refugees and migrants. They provide support for people fleeing war and persecution, with an emphasis on helping children and their mothers. Since its founding in 2015, A Drop in the Ocean has organized more than 6500 volunteer field workers to travel to the island of Lesvos, Northern Greece and the Athens area, working inside the refugee camps run by Greek authorities. They distribute food, clothes and non-perishable items, assist in teaching English and provide material and logistical support for bilingual education, and are involved in planning and organizing activities for the children and adults in the camps. 









Discussion with children settled in Chicago by RefugeeOne

CASE Art Fund and Jims Porter, Communications & Advocacy Manager at RefugeeOne [Chicago’s largest refugee resettlement agency] talk about the current refugee crisis and its effects on those entering the United States. Personal stories will be shared by Baian Almadani [10 yrs old], Mohamad Almadani [12 yrs old] and Esraa Almadani [9 yrs old]. who came to Chicago as Syrian refugees.








Panel discussion

The current refugee crisis has reached an unprecedented milestone, as the most recent data shows that nearly 70.8 million people were displaced by the end of 2018. The number keeps climbing, as people across the globe are forced to make inconceivable decisions. Caught in the middle of this horrific reality are children, many of whom are alone. The Greek Aegean Islands currently house 1800 unaccompanied children and is indicative of politics taking priority over basic human rights. The Children of Greece brings together a panel of experts to talk about what is currently happening in Greece, and how the public can help. Panelists include:  

Anette Skuggedal & Cathy Edelman / CASE Art Fund /

Knut Bry / Photographer / @_knutbry_

Marthe Engedahl / UNICEF /

Olivia Mocanasu / UNHCR /

Trude Jacobsen / A Drop in the Ocean /




Recent videos from refugee centers

A Drop in the Ocean, UNHCR, and UNICEF have been very active in the Greek Aegean Islands, reporting about the humanitarian crisis in the camps. From Greece presents videos made by activists, journalists and photographers from inside the camps. These firsthand accounts show the need for public action, as children and families struggle to survive. Representatives from all organizations will be available to answer viewers questions at the end of the presentation. 






Exhibition by Norwegian photographer Tine Poppe,  

Poppe has spent her career dedicated to children and women’s rights. Her work from Deflowered tackles the taboo subject of female genital mutilation through carefully construction images of children and flowers.  



Video collaboration with Syrian refugees 5’37”

In 2012, Syrian activist turned photographer Omar Imam was kidnapped by a militia and only let go when a friend intervened. Soon after, Imam left Damascus settling in Beirut. Live, Love, Refugee is Imam’s response to the chaos erupting in his homeland. In refugee camps in Lebanon, Imam collaborated with Syrians to create a video about their reality. As a refugee himself, he understands the loss and chaos of being displaced from one’s home. The resulting video reveals the spirit of those who persevere, despite losing everything that was familiar. Imam currently lives in Amsterdam with his family.



Video from the New Mexico / Ciudad Juarez border

In 2018, CASE Art Fund founders Catherine and Anette flew to El Paso, TX, to start a longterm project about the detention camp in Tornillo, 40 miles outside El Paso in the desert along the Texas/Mexico border. On April 10, 2019, Catherine and Anette were awakened by helicopters circulating over their Airbnb in Sun Valley, NM. (where they stay when working on their project). Directly in front of them were border patrol vehicles, and a young family, wearing bright colors, holding hands, quietly walking towards the main road. Desert Crossing is a short video of this young young family.





Artists discuss their passion

BriefCASE is a selection of photographers whose work align with CASE Art Fund’s mission. Each artist has donated an image to be sold through CASE to benefit an organization of their choosing. Organizations include Friendship Park, an historic meeting place on the US/ Mexico border, the Alarm Phone that offers people in boats an opportunity to communicate, Rescue Foundation that rescues, rehabilitates and repatriate young girls forced into sex trafficking in and around Mumbai, and the Milaya Project that connects South Sudanese women in refugee camps with people who want to purchase their traditional art forms. All artists will give a 4-minute presentation about their work followed by a Q&A.

Alejandro Cartagena, Turjoy Chowdhury, César Dezfuli, Omar Imam, Nora Lorek, and Lisa Ross.


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